blogspot? a spotty blog. spotty, dotty... motley.
motley, diverse, pied, scattered and sporadic and ....
I need a place, a space, (a spot?) to send... to manifest my mercurial thoughts.
mercurial... mercurious? (how's that for a malapropism)
I'm thinking a lot at the moment about how to... extend and expand my writing.
For a while I have been seeking out different ways to expand the solipsistic ambit of my inspiration and understanding - and that adventure has been brazenly beautiful. Thanks to Dorothy Porter and my brilliantly scientific friends.
But now I think... perhaps I need to seek out expansion in different ways. expand my ideas of expansion.
maybe I need to expand the way I manifest my writing.
It's already a farrago of chaos. but that's what I need it to be. I need it to be sporadic and of a fevered moment. I need it to be exactly what I need exactly when and where I need it. Which means I have so many thought.... vessels. scattered papers, messy desks, unfinished poems.
Maybe it would be a positive thing to have yet another space for that. Maybe? well, I'll give it a go.
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