Friday 7 June 2013


I am sitting at the beach and the evening is gathering around me. The tide is very high tonight. The waves are like heavy hammers against the shore, the sand is sinking under its weight. 

There was this great mass of clouds, like a heaving purple beast. A dark deep purple, almost grey. Splayed across the horizon. And the sun dripped beneath it, like a golden amber liquid. It was like this purple beast was wounded and bleeding across the sky. When all the light had finally gone, the purple clouds dissipated and dispersed. Like the golden liquid was all that was holding the beast together. I felt like I was attending some sort of majestic funeral of the sky. 
And then the clouds regrouped, but darker this time. An angry deep gathering grey of cumulus. 
I love the dimensions of clouds. I feel like I'm looking deep into the horizon.

(For Dylan)

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